Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Glenn Beck : When You Lose Jon Stewart on Obamacare 'You're Done'

10/9/13 - Glenn Beck was, needless to say, surprised at how aggressive Jon Stewart was in grilling Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. Stewart repeatedly pressed Sebelius on why businesses got a delay but individuals didn't, and Beck gave Stewart due credit for taking on the argument. Beck railed against the White House "giving special exemptions to their friends and their cronies." He observed that many young people simply don't understand issues like Obamacare unless they hear it from someone like Stewart, saying, "If you package things in entertaining forms, they'll consume it."

Beck pointed out that while Stewart may be a liberal guy, the Sebelius interview showed he is clearly no flack.

"I don't think he is an out-and-out leftist propaganda guy. He's not. He's a New Yorker who happens to believe a lot of the crap that the left says. But you've lost Jon Stewart... You lose Jon Stewart on this, you're done."
Beck also found it "amazing" that Stewart openly wondered at the end of the show whether Sebelius was lying to him or not.

Beck is just the latest conservative pundit to credit Stewart for the interview, following praise from Rush Limbaugh and the hosts of The Five.

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