Friday, October 25, 2013

France Taxing People to Death ~ 75-100%

French President Francois Hollande says he will stick to a plan to impose a super-tax on soccer players' salaries despite the threat of the nation's pro clubs to scrap games one weekend next month.

Hollande told reporters at Friday's European Union summit that "the law must be the same for all" once the plan to implement a so-called 75-percent tax law on income above 1 million euros ($1.38 million) per year is approved.

The law would mainly affect the clubs rather than the players, as it is geared toward making employers bear the tax burden.

Jean-Pierre Louvel, president of the Union of Professional Football Clubs, says the law would be "the death of French football" if it is pushed through. His union has threatened to boycott games in the league round scheduled for Nov. 29 through Dec. 2.

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