Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Food Crisis - The Collapse Of The U.S. Economy Coming

Food Crisis - The Collapse Of The U.S. Economy Coming

Fellow patriot, There's a reason why the US government is so eager to disarm the American people. It's got little to do with crime rates or mass murders... but everything to do with the very reason the 2nd Amendment was created for: to protect the people from a tyrannical government. Because when a major disaster hits the USA, a recent executive order allows FEMA to confiscate your food stockpile... and just like in the old USSR, to give it to the government-dependent masses The Four Horsemen of the Food Apocalypse" ...because they bring with them a deadly social and economic crisis... with immediate effects on your ability to feed your family. And if you don't act fast, if you don't act now, you're going to miss your chance forever... a chance to finally become self-sufficient and independent, a chance to make your family "recession-proof" and "disaster proof", while the unprepared "zombies" will be starving and killing each other over a loaf of rotten bread. The first horseman is Hunger... and it came with the searing heat of last year. The summer of 2012 brought massive drought, devastation and despair to farmers all over the globe. World granaries like Russia and Kazakhstan were scorched by hellish temperatures. Crops in Ukraine were pummeled, corn was reduced to desolating burnt stalks. And with a 15% drop in the Indian monsoon... a historical drought in Australia... and an appalling harvest in Mexico... you may be wondering... Because the second horseman is GREED.

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