Sunday, October 20, 2013

FINANCIAL COLLAPSE ~ Global crisis Evidence Of Economic Collapse Martial Law Preparations

Order out of Chaos,is one of the key weapons of the collective secret societies along with their transparent organizations , which practiced for centuries the method of divide and conquer threw order out of chaos. these elite at all levels have controlled the amount of knowledge available to the mass but as tech gave the ability to the mass to become more aware the economical shackles were imposed if you wish to be part of the future debt through debt you loose freedom threw the loss of freedom came the women's liberation devising man and women destroying family values, and promoting unethical practices ,porn, gay rights gay marriage and the destruction of orthodox or conservative religeous beliefs as out of touch and old fashioned . Zionism , Catholicism, Muslim fundamentalism, along with Marxism, Fascism, socialism, globalism, liberalism are all and one production and ideologies of the secret societies who have governed for centuries, the banks mass media, politics, military industry, industry, entertainment all controlled by a select few all who's family tree go back to the tribe of Cain and their off spring also known as the Nephalim their religion the Babylonian Talmud a satanic version of the Old Testament . They created the New world Order and they control today's Israel, Shocked far fetched, that's part of waking up to history and true events and researching each time who was behind each new wave of mass ideology. for you to decide your freedom depends on it or become slaves of ignorance or DENILE . either way human kind is a kind of canabalism and we will be our own destruction unless you iradicate


  1. Cains father was satan who beguiled both Adam n Eve in the Garden look up the word beguiled in a Strongs Bible Concordance means to be decieved wholly seduced thats why in 1John 3:12 it tells you Cains father was the Wicked One. Cains offspring are called Kenites hebrew word meaning children of Cain. Now think about why you have never been taught that? Visit ShepherdsChapel n let Pastor Murray feed you some of Fathers Truth taught chapter by chapter verse by verse n you'll start understanding why the world is like it is...

  2. Nephalim are fallen angles some of Fathers Children that wern't born thru woman coming to earth against Gods Will impregnating the daughters of Adam thats where the giants of the Bible came from, the reason God caused the Flood n choose Noah n his family to build the Arc as their family had not mixed with the fallen angels n had a true pedigree n they took 2 of all the races Kenites as well as the flood rid the world of the giants..Things in this world really start to make sense when you start understanding Fathers Word the Letter He sent to us the Bible...
