Friday, October 11, 2013


The White House endorsed a short debt-limit increase with no policy conditions attached, signaling potential support for House Republicans' plan for a monthlong reprieve from a default.

The proposal today by House Speaker John Boehner wouldn't end the 10-day-old partial shutdown of the federal government. The plan would push the lapse of U.S. borrowing authority to Nov. 22 from Oct. 17.

Jay Carney, the White House press secretary, said today that President Barack Obama would support a short increase in the U.S. debt limit with no "partisan strings attached," though he prefers a longer extension. House Republicans haven't specified what they plan to tie to the measure and Carney said the White House would need to see a bill before accepting it.

"The president is happy that cooler heads at least seem to be prevailing in the House, that there at least seems to be a recognition that default is not an option," Carney said.

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