Friday, October 18, 2013

Everybody Loses Debt Ceiling Debate, Obama Care Debacle in 2014 and Iran Nuke Program Not Settled

Nobody won the debt ceiling/budget crisis when you consider the fact the U.S. needed to borrow or print more money just to pay its bills. We are running a trillion dollar a year shortfall, and it cannot and will not go on. A disaster is coming in 2014. When the smoke clears with this debt ceiling budget fiasco, there will still be a failing economy that needs to be propped up. The real problem will come when everyone realizes that they will be forced to pay more for health insurance to get less. The Iranians want to take a year to resolve the dispute over its nuclear program. I do not think the West is going to give Iran a year to settle this question, and that includes Israel. Join Greg Hunter of as he gives his analysis on these stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up.

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