Sunday, October 27, 2013

End Time Scenario

The Vision and Mission of is to alert Christians of the soonest or earliest possibility of the fulfillment of Bible prophecies, so that the glorious coming of our Lord Jesus at rapture will not catch watchful and godly Christians as 'a thief in the night'

No one knows when World War 3 will begin (4th Seal), nor the removal of the Dome on the Rock, nor 'One World Order', nor building the temple of God, nor when that Antichrist sits in the temple declaring himself god, nor the great Tribulation , nor the destruction of the Antichrist at the glorious coming of our Lord Jesus for His saints at Rapture.

We are already in the last days, for
1. Knowledge increased greatly these last 2 decades
2. Many antichrists have been revealed by fallen bishops
3. Gay marriage in churches is an abomination to God
4. Verichip (666 mark) - All those having this chip will go to hell

End time Schedule

Matt 24:9-15 -This period is before the great tribulation. All those who died or killed during this period will not face the great Tribulation. (5th Seal)
Matt 24:16-28 -This is the period of the great Tribulation, a period of intense deception and many will be deceived by accepting the `One World Religion' thus denying the Lord Jesus Christ. Many will accept the Antichrist (sitting in the temple of God) and the 'verichip', thus denying Jesus' teachings and warnings. (end of 5th Seal)
Matt 24:29-31 - This is the Rapture (6th Seal in Revelation 6:12-14)
Matt 24:30 - All those left behind will mourn (because the wrath of God and of the Lamb will be upon them recorded in Rev 6:15-17)

See the 1st Fulfillment of End Time events

1 comment:

  1. This isn't Fathers Word were in the 5th Trump now, satan comes at the 6th Trump claiming to be Jesus, that might come next year only Father Knows the year we know the season may-sept don't be decieved by satan or those claiming to be of our Lord Jesus Christ..Visit ShepherdsChapel n listen to Fathers Word taught chapter by chapter verse by verse n you will understand n be able to discern truth.
