Saturday, October 12, 2013

End Time America: ---2013, 2014 Forewarnings

This ALARMING and ACCURATE PROPHETIC SCENARIO is coming to AMERICA, NOW and Thru 2013 & 2014. ::.. NO PERSON will be left UNSTIRRED.Those who stand will not be weak & timid, but bold & strong*While U.S. Leaders, the Media & most others today are still pondering & debating about AMERICA'S FUTURE and its ECONOMY, this EXCLUSIVE Video FRAMES SPECIFIC ANSWERS to these questions below, and CRYSTALLIZES IN ADVANCE what's coming : Is America's Reign as a Super-Power restorable? Or over? Next U.S. Presidential Election of Nov 2012? Bible's perspective RE: Romney & Obama? U.S. Economy to worsen or recover? Will U.S. GOVT keep towards 1-World GOVT? ..or return to its former status? Which 2 prime groups in USA are NOW 1st in line for God's Warnings? Why? Is judgment coming to America? Or blessings & prosperity, like before? Why? What is God's word to Believers & TV Ministries in USA today? Mormonism in the White House?

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