Wednesday, October 2, 2013

End Time America: - 2013, 2014 Forewarnings

This ALARMING and ACCURATE PROPHETIC SCENARIO is coming to AMERICA, NOW and Thru 2013 & 2014. ::.. NO PERSON will be left UNSTIRRED.Those who stand will not be weak & timid, but bold & strong. :::*While U.S. Leaders, the Media & most others today are still pondering & debating about AMERICA'S FUTURE and its ECONOMY, this EXCLUSIVE Video FRAMES SPECIFIC ANSWERS to these questions below, and CRYSTALLIZES IN ADVANCE what's coming :


Is America's Reign as a Super-Power restorable? Or over?
Next U.S. Presidential Election of Nov 2012?
Bible's perspective RE: Romney & Obama?
U.S. Economy to worsen or recover?
Will U.S. GOVT keep towards 1-World GOVT? ..or return to its former status?

Which 2 prime groups in USA are NOW 1st in line for God's Warnings? Why?
Is judgment coming to America? Or blessings & prosperity, like before? Why?

What is God's word to Believers & TV Ministries in USA today?
Mormonism in the White House?
Obama: ...a true "Christian"?

Coming: --ISRAEL to "see" what USA sees?
7 Year Tribulation?
Coming Final Move of God within USA; His purpose & His chosen elect?
*All other 100% accurate prophecies of founder Rob Conrad are listed at ~

1 comment:

  1. Ah but but the people stood by and let it happen. Now if we do not stand for what we believe in then we deserve to lose what we do not value. Can you see that? No one can do anything to anyone that we dont allow. Think about that.
