Friday, October 18, 2013

EBT / FOOD STAMP CRISIS coming in NOVEMBER - 47 MILLION People to be without FOOD in the U.S.

There are approximately 47 million people dependent on food stamps with that number growing everyday. There are 101 million people now on some kind of gov't assistance. Who pays for that? The taxpayers. Do you know how many full time workers there currently are in this country right now? 97 million...that's it! 97 million paying for 101 million! 'The problem with socialism? You eventually run out of other peoples money!' We are getting there,the money well is drying up. The wealthy have their funds hidden away in offshore banking havens...they are are keeping their money!! The gov't and puppet masters continue to fleece us 99%. When they feel its time, they will shut off that assistance. There will be riots, chaos,violence....let us kill each other while the banksters, politicians and true shadow gov't gov't watches it all on TV protected in their mansions. People will beg for rescue, willingly give up what few liberties we still have. Then they will roll out the new world order! We will be impoverished,enslaved and ruled by military dictatorship. We will not recognize the USA anymore. This is all so sad. And to think , this is all at the hands of a relatively small group of extremely wealthy EVIL scumbag people!! If only we could unite, we don't realize our true power!! They have manipulated the populace very successfully. Divide and conquer...they have us there. I think only by revolution could we possibly take our republic back. I feel so sad for the kids today and what they are inheriting. I want to pull my hair out with frustration because of these evil evil mentally ill greedy sons of bitches that have taken us over!! i hope they all rot in hell. Stock food,water,ammo, medications,smokes.alcohol...things you can barter with. The bad times are a'comin. Good luck to all you liberty seekers.

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