Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Comet ISON and the Sign of Jonah exactly 40 days before Nov. 28 2013

Comet ISON will be visible to the naked eye on November 28, 2013. Could Comet ISON fulfill the sign of Jonah found in Luke 11:29? Will Comet ISON change the world forever on Nov. 28, 2013?


  1. I love the lord............

  2. The AntiChrist satan the false messiah comes to earth during the season of the locust may-sept n doesn't come to bring wars oh no for he will be claiming hes Jesus bringing in peace n prosparity n heals the Deadly Wound of the one world government as it states in Rev.13:3 n all the world wonders n worships the dragon..Visit ShepherdsChapel n give a listen to Pastor Murray bring Fathers Word Alive chapter by chapter verse by verse n understant what is about to unfold on this here earth.
