Tuesday, October 22, 2013

CIA/NSA psy op EXPOSED: Tribble says he is not Dr. Bill H. Weld

The CIA/NSA psy op underway to destroy Dr. Bill H. Weld continues to crumble.

Justin Tribble, the alleged hoaxer connected to Dr. Weld by the psy op campaign, has come forward with a video DENYING any and all associations with Dr. Weld.

Dr. Weld addresses the Tribble video at 3:15, the lies about the death threat video at 5:35 and the so-called "Truth movement" at 9:18.

Please view Mr. Tribble's video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMIZ8F...

Please bear in mind that Dr. Weld is under a 24/7 CIA/NSA shill campaign to discredit and destroy him. Lies are being said about him and disseminated through YouTube channels run by paid government shills whose sole job is to destroy whistle-blowers like Dr. Weld.

Please keep him in your prayers. He needs your help now more than ever to spread the word about how he is being destroyed and attacked. Please visit his Facebook (listed below) or email him at: billhweld@yahoo.com

Dr. Weld appeared on the Collective Consciousness Show radio program on the American Underground Network on October 17th. Click for an MP3 recording of the 40 minute interview: http://recordings.talkshoe.com/TC-483...

Dr. Weld's son, Bill Weld Jr., also appeared on 'Heads up Warriors Radio' on October 6th:

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