Saturday, October 12, 2013

Bud Conrad : The Bursting of the Bond Bubble Is Now Upon Us

At the recent Casey Research conference in Tucson, AZ, Chris sat down with Casey chief economist Bud Conrad to discuss his concerns about the latest, and potentially most destructive bubble in danger of popping.

At the conference, Bud stepped up to the podium, reached into his pocket, and pulled out a balloon which he proceeded to inflated. As it grew, it become clear the word "BONDS" was written across it. For dramatic effect, Bud continued inflating the balloon until it popped. He then looked at the audience: "I hope I'm making a point".

Like many critically-thinking analysts today, Bud is watching the growing US debt bubble with alarm. And now that the Fed is monetizing and ever-greater percentage of American debt issuance, he sees no way out for our current policies other than stalling for time until the inevitable happens.

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