Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Bill Still ~ Government Shutdown, and "The Pillars of Truth"

Bill Still, Government Shutdown, and "The Pillars of Truth"

The value of the US dollar is being siphoned away gradually with each monthly injection of $85bn in ongoing currency devaluation operations by the FED code name QE4.
75% of people are literally living paycheck to paycheck; everything they make goes to gas food & housing. It doesn't take an Einstein to see that holiday sales will be dismal; companies will meet their estimates however, which are a fraction of those from 10 yrs ago. The baby boomers which comprise 25% of the population are preparing for retirement, saving all they can and not spending as much as they used to. The coming depression is inevitable, and there is nothing the government can do to stop it. Don't listen to the political rhetoric, D vs R both blaming each other for this event that their own census data foretold. See census dot gov for more info. Their arguing and blaming each other is only a distraction to keep you from seeing the truth, while the gov't silently prepares for the coming collapse by arming themselves to the teeth. Nothing will help them when the people lose everything they have. They should remember Iceland, and these two words:
Nuremberg trials

1 comment:

  1. as long as folks get their needs met, Who Cares
