Thursday, October 10, 2013

America The Next Low-Wage Haven

In the US, two-thirds of low wage workers report some form of wage theft every week - whether that means being cheated out of hours worked, paid less than the minimum wage, or not being paid at all. Fault Lines investigates wage practices in the restaurant industry, to find out what happens when workers are not paid what they are legally owed.

1 comment:

  1. Whatever man, most of you are Libertarians who are Racist and Greedy.

    You want to Impoverish Minorities while you get super fucking rich.

    This is why Libertarians along with so called Libs and Cons that are puppets of the Satanic Global Regime, work in Legislatures all over America to end and curtail every worker and wage protection that Americans have gained since 1850.

    Webster Tarpley is right. Libertarians and Conservatives along with the Neo-Libs are a Satanic Cabal that is trying to rape and rob all of us Blind. These Elitists start the bad parts of their agenda on Minorities and the Poor, and then extend it to everybody else- even Whites who live in Suburban Townships with $350K Homes driving a Luxury or Alternative Premium Car and live on Bunny Rabbit Lane.

    Many of you people, don't know what it's like to be a Low Wage Worker, and if you're an Executive Director and Owner of an establishment who does this to people after working themselves up while engaging in such Satanic Practices- then you are a Mothafuckin' Sellout.

    America is a Racist Satanic Beast that needs to be destroyed.

    - The Black Man
