Thursday, October 31, 2013

Alex Jones Show: Thursday (10-31-13) Sheriff Nick Finch & Derek Khanna

On the Thursday, October 31 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex continues to confront headstrong the lies propping up what many believe to be much scarier than Halloween: Obamacare, also known as "the latest great American wealth transfer swindle." Alex will also discuss the Texas General Land Office's response to an Infowars report pointing out that the shrine of Texas liberty, the Alamo, was in line to become a United Nations World Heritage site. Alex also analyzes China's mobilization of a surveillance ship to Hawaiian waters, the fact that investigative journalist Wayne Madsen predicted that the NSA spying on the Pope would be the next big revelation, and the DHS's solicitation of "riot expansion kits" and 240,000 pepper spray projectiles to quell domestic unrest. On today's show, Alex welcomes political commentator and columnist Derek Khanna to discuss ways to get around the surveillance state.

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