Friday, October 25, 2013

Alert Pole Shift news update breakthrough in this research

In this day and age its very hard to get information that you know is true and accurate from any of these organisations responsible for informing the general public. I am like you guys, i think that if ever there was a serious event that was likely to take place on a grand scale, these organisations would not issue ample warning. So we only have ourselves to help each other and this is the way it has been for thousands of yrs of governing elitists. To most people that see this video probably wont appreciate or even know the great efforts i go to to not just mention these findings but in a way i produce evidential facts. When i say this today we made a breakthrough in our quest to find out whats going on and whats not going on in outruling 3 of many possible outcomes to this investigation, these are the sun is not setting further north, the earths crust is not shifting in any significant manner, and lastly the celestial pole is not reversing, now i say these are not doing so as of yet but it doesnt mean also that they cannot be influenced by other future events, so it has been a giant leap forward in this research. Best Gene

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