Sunday, October 6, 2013

Alert Pole Shift News Update

It is decision time, keep the monetary system face disaster, or evolve and meet your distant family learn more advanced technology and become children of the stars as was intended, your on the brink of destruction, the major reset is on the doorstep, you need to make a collective decision, a logical decision, an adult decision, work as one together and prosper as one, your needs are the same as every one else s but you leave others without, i have shown you the water of life but i cannot force you to drink it down this is your decision and yours individually to make, the responsibility is yours only yours, are you ready to leave the necessary and become an adult child a logical thinking human being, i hope so, it is in the second level of being logical that you not only understand logic but that you act it out, you know what is right and you know what is wrong but the test of this is in the second stage, that brothers and sisters is acting out logic, and its also the hardest to do.
Best Gene

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