Monday, September 2, 2013

WW3 in Progress - IRAN DECLARE WAR on ISRAEL if SYRIA attacked by US

Al Qaeda: Private Army of America’s Neocon Right" There was never an organization known as Al Qaeda, not until now. “Phony Al Qaeda” was an imaginary boogeyman enemy constructed out of false flag terrorists employed by a variety of intelligence agencies to bring the world to economic collapse. History makes this hypothesis a “slam dunk.” There was no “Al Qaeda,” a extremist, jihadist movement intent on warring against Christianity on behalf of, well, we aren’t really sure, until if was formed in Syria. There, up to 80,000 fighters from 27 nations are at war with the government. The majority are there to create a terrorist empire as a base of operations to attack the United States, Europe and Russia. None are there to war on Israel or support Palestinian rights. This is extremely curious. They are flown into Jordan, planeload after planeload by private cargo carriers contracted to the CIA and Department of Defense. Two dozen Boeing 747s sit waiting at an abandoned SAC (Strategic Air Command) base in Northern Michigan. These planes, contracted to the CIA, can carry 8,000 Al Qaeda fighters a day. Problem is, this isn’t the only such facility. There are many. In fact, “Al Qaeda” has far more air transport capability that, not just Israel but Britain and France combined.


  1. Syria and Iran had pact with each other when Israel hit Syria's reactors a few years ago and did nothing, Israel recently hit Syria and they did nothing.
    Iran and the middle east countries are all talk, they won't do a thing to Israel they are afraid of them and know they would lose.

