Monday, September 9, 2013

World War III Starts on 14 October 2013 ( Breaking Bad )

Obama has been a directly wired puppet of the globalist lobby. No one should be fooling themselves. Kerry is a psychopathic abomination and criminal too, in the Obama mold. Saudi Intelligence hand in glove working the payoffs to members of the US Congress. One can only wonder what they have offered . All of the degenerate psychopathic War Criminals should be arrested, placed on trail and dealt with accordingly. We see the most logical answer as the BIGGEST HUMANITARIAN MISSION of the 21st century, for the BIGGEST HUMANITARIAN CRISIS of the 21st century in Syria. Over 100,000 have died. These zombies have lost their minds and all credibility. The insatiable lust for power and destruction is both a spiritual and psychological force. IT MUST END.