Monday, September 23, 2013

World Bank Whistleblower Karen Hudes: The World Will Reject Central Bankers

In part II of the SmartKnowledgeU exclusive interview with World Bank Whistleblower Karen Hudes, Ms. Hudes discusses the need to end an immoral fractional reserve banking system that continually drains the wealth of citizens without their consent and knowledge, the hope to establish open competition for money as the best money will rise to the top, how Central Bankers manipulate media and religion to deceive people into supporting their immoral actions, and the need for people to question what bankers have tricked them into believing through their control of media, education and religion.

The accuracy of the stakeholder analysis Ms. Hudes references in our interview is discussed on page 62 of Randolph M. Silverson, "The Contributions of International Politics Research to Policy", Political Science and Politics, published March 2000, available here :

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