Monday, September 2, 2013

Tornado Tears Up Tokyo As Radiation Leaks Get Worse

The real truth is, Fukishima, is worse than the story im plies. With the proximity to the Pacific ocean and ocean currents this will effect all life on earth. For a little while the southern hemisphere will be safe, but only for a little while.Can our government lose any more credibility? Everything they say is being exposed as lies. They have been covering up this disaster as much as the Japanese government. Most people aren't buying the lies anymore. The NWO cookie is crumbling as more and more people see it for the evil that it is. This scares the shit out of me because they still have the option of nuclear world war. We are winning the infowar and could possibly avoid a world war if the military people stand down when the orders come in. Come on People! Wake up!

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