Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The DAMASCUS CRISIS in Bible Prophecy - Middle-East UPDATE!!

Are we on the verge of a massive war of biblical proportions that was prophesied thousands of years in the past? Are we living in the last days before the return of Messiah? What about the rapture? When will that happen? - Scottie answers these questions and more in this important and timely Middle-East Prophecy Update.

NOTE: Let the viewer be aware that I am not dogmatic about Assad using chemical weapons and I apologize for coming across that way in the video. It may very well be that the use of chemical weapons was a false flag event to push this war. False flags are used more often than we think. The point I am making is not in playing a blame game. The point is that the war is lining up to fulfill bible prophecy in our time. This is far more important than blaming a party for the catalyst of the war. Thank you for understanding.


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