Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Alex Jones Show - Sunday, September 15, 2013 (Full Show): Terry Holcomb

On this Sunday, September 15 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with Terry Holcomb of Open Carry. Terry was arrested last week at an open carry rally at the Texas capitol for carrying a black powder pistol, an act that is entirely legal. Alex also breaks down Obama's threat to use military force against Iran in response to its perceived nuclear weapons program. The latest twist in the Middle East arrives after Russian president Vladimir Putin arranged a diplomatic effort to strip Syria of its chemical weapons, a move that defused Obama's increasingly belligerent rhetoric as the United States inched toward intervention in the country and moved closer to the ultimate goal of overthrowing the al-Assad regime in Damascus. Alex also covers the possibility of so-called boots on the ground to effectuate the round-up of chemical weapons. Alex also covers other important news items and takes your calls.

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