Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Alex Jones Show : Phil Restino, Jerome Corsi :Wednesday September 25 2013

The Alex Jones Show:(VIDEO Commercial Free) Wednesday September 25 2013: Phil Restino, Jerome Corsi

A Stand Against Obama
On this Wednesday, September 25 worldwide broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, Alex documents Sen. Ted Cruz's (R-TX) epic stand against Obamacare. Cruz has been on the Senate floor for over 20 hours in a campaign to deny funding to the government takeover of the health industry. Alex welcomes Philip C. Restino, Jr., a U.S. Army veteran, co-chair and founder of the Central Florida chapter of Veterans For Peace. Restino reveals that the national leadership of several anti-war organizations are blocking resolutions approved by their membership to impeach Barack Obama for his war crimes. Also joining the show is Dr. Jerome R. Corsi, the New York Times best-selling author who continues explaining how the Obama administration supplies money and arms to al-Qaeda while using the threat of al-Qaeda to take away our liberties. Corsi is also the author of Who Really Killed Kennedy? 50 Years Later: Stunning New Revelations About the JFK Assassination.

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