Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Alex Jones Show: Kenya Mall Attack :(VIDEO Commercial Free) Sunday September 22 2013

Obama's Al-Qaeda Attacks Mall In Kenya
On the Sunday, Sept. 22 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, Alex is joined by guest host David Knight to break down bombshell info in the ongoing Kenyan mall attack, whose death toll has risen to 68 with at least
175 wounded. The attack was conducted by the same radical muslim groups Obama supports in Syria and other parts of the world. We'll also cover the strange developments in the Navy Yard shooting case, and cover a broad host of other topics with the aid of special reports produced by the Infowars Nightly News team. We'll also cover where the U.S. stands in its Syrian war efforts and analyze the rise in military suicides. Tune in to this special Sunday edition of Infowars Live at from 4pm to 6pm Central.

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