Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Rush Limbaugh : Media Can't Bring Themselves to Condemn Obama's Post-Shooting Partisan 'Assault'

9/17/13 - President Obama shocked many politicians and pundits on Monday when, after delivering brief remarks on the Washington Navy Yard shooting, he proceeded to give his planned speech on the economy, replete with Republican-bashing. Rush Limbaugh was also disturbed by Obama's "assault" on the GOP in a time of crisis, and found it beyond unbelievable that even though the media was clearly uncomfortable with it, they couldn't quite bring themselves to outright condemn it.

Limbaugh echoed a similar point made by Joe Scarborough, namely that George W. Bush would have been taken to the woodshed if he had made that kind of partisan address during a crisis. But, as Limbaugh noted, most of the media is only going so far as to call it "tone-deaf," and simply calling it a big screw-up instead of using the opportunity to understand who Obama really is.

And so the Drive-Bys [go], "No, we gotta somehow explain this and cover for Obama." Because they see everything through the prism of, "Oh, gosh is it gonna help Obama or is it gonna hurt Obama?"
He also ripped apart Jay Carney for defending the appropriateness of Obama's address, mockingly declaring that "that even in the midst of such a disaster like this, we cannot lose sight of the focus of the real important matter in Washington, and that's what a bunch of creeps the Republicans are."

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