Friday, September 27, 2013

RUSH LIMBAUGH Hits Senate Chaplain for Squeezing 'Leftist Agenda' Into Prayer

9/27/13 - Rush Limbaugh lamented Friday how nothing is sacred from the "leftist agenda" anymore, even the Senate prayer. Senate chaplain Barry Black made the following remarks in today's prayer that caught Limbaugh's attention. Keep us from shackling ourselves with the chains of dysfunction. Use our senators today to serve your purposes for this generation, making them ever mindful of their accountability to you. Lord, deliver us from governing by crisis, empowering us to be responsible stewards of your bounty.
Black did not invoke anyone personally, but that didn't stop Limbaugh from turning the tables to accuse President Obama and the Democrats being the real ones to blame for "governing by crisis."

He said if the U.S. really wants to get away from that, "we would get rid of the Democrat party" because "they are the ones who create crisis after crisis after crisis."

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