Sunday, September 22, 2013

Ron Paul exposes United Nations Plan to Destroy U.S. And Take Over of The World

Ron Paul exposes United Nations Plan to Destroy U.S. And Take Over of The World

THE UNITED NATIONS: A Look Into The Future
RARE clips of RON PAUL defending American sovereignty, the good Dr. really has been the lone voice in government standing up for the FREEDOM of the American people before we even felt a sense of urgency.
Dr. RON PAUL has had a consistant message warning about the rise of those elements working from within to destroy the American Constitution.
Dr. Paul,sir, quite frankly I feel that your message fell upon deaf ears during the 80's and 90's but now it is that same message that resonates in the heart of every American that loves FREEDOM.

America now realizes how important your message of FREEDOM is and how it is synonymous with our way of life, you also give the world HOPE for PEACE in these times of war.

But best of all, WE get to VOTE for someone that truly reflects the voice of "WE THE PEOPLE", you have already won because you have lit the torch of LIBERTY and given us HOPE FOR AMERICA (your ideals have inspired a new generation of Constitutionalist Patriots and exposed the false Dem/Rep parties for what they really are Socialists and Facists...

You are in our prayers Dr. RON PAUL and know that we will carry your message far and wide until we are once again truly the LAND OF THE FREE AND THE HOME OF THE BRAVE...
Support The RƎVO˩UTION !

There are three branches of the United States of America
Executive Branch
•The executive branch of the government is responsible for enforcing the laws of the land. The president, vice president, department heads (cabinet members), and heads of independent agencies carry out this mission.
•Judicial Branch
Courts decide arguments about the meaning of laws and how they are applied. They also decide if laws violate the Constitution—this is known as judicial review, and it is how federal courts provide checks and balances on the legislative and executive branches.
•Legislative Branch
Article I of the Constitution establishes the legislative or law making branch of government. It has a two-branch Congress—the Senate and the House of Representatives—and agencies that support Congress.

There are five agencies of the U.N. in the United States.
1. "United Nations"
2. "Federal Reserve"
3. "Internial Revenue Service"
4."Central Intelligence Agency"
5."Federal Bureau of Investigation"
Please correct me if I am mistaken...

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