Thursday, September 19, 2013

Ron Paul "Bernanke Is Literally Saying Is WE'RE IN BAD SHAPE!"

My issue it what happens next. Useless idiots freaking out in the larger cities because their Obama Money is no longer available. Anarchy, Martial Law and then come the 'Barney Fifes' in their Homeland Security Humvees to try (TRY) at taking our guns and stored food away from us. The perfect storm is brewing now and I am astonished that even intelligent folks in my Church, my neighborhood and my clientele are all either too afraid to look into the forest, past the trees and into the shadows to stare at the Monsters we allowed to run our government. Fear? Maybe. Selfishness? I don't know. I do know this much and that is the fact that America is not too special to fail!

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