Wednesday, September 4, 2013

RED ALERT: Obama Ready For Ground Invasion Of Syria To Protect Petro Dollar From Collapse

Obama is the Military Industrial Complex Marionette. He is owned by the puppet masters....It's been set up to cover the collapse of the petro-dollar. IF we attack and China and/or Russia attack, the $ is *finished* as the worlds' reserve currency. IF we attack and they don't respond, the game will continue until China and/or Russia say "enough," and dump the dollar. IF we don't attack, we still look silly because we have a such an idiot for POTUS, and it'll further weaken the financial standing, and accelerate the collapse of the dollar. For the NWO scum, it's a win-win-win for them... And no matter WHAT happens, WE LOSE... along with the Syrian people, and everyone else that our mad-dog government has killed or maimed. Beans, band-aids and bullets... stock up on all three, because you're gonna' NEED 'em.

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