Saturday, September 14, 2013

Rand Paul: I Hope Russians and Syrians Are 'Sincere' About Diplomatic Approach

The United States and Russia have reached a deal on what to do with Syria's chemical weapons. Syria has one week to declare the location of its stockpile. The agreement also plans to impose United Nations penalties if President Bashar al-Assad's regime fails to comply.

Fox News' Uma Pemmaraju spoke to Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) about how these developments affect the U.S. He said a military solution will make the situation worse and hopes that the Syrians and Russians are sincere about a diplomatic approach. "What's most important is that we get the result we want, and the result would be that the chemical weapons are taken out of Syrian hands and put into international hands."

Sen. Paul said it's not about which country, Russia or the U.S., looks the strongest. "America is the sole remaining super power in probably every imaginable way, and I think that we are also a super power in the sense that we reserve that power [...] to use it reluctantly."