Friday, September 20, 2013

Paul Craig Roberts ~ Economic Uncertainty Via QE Unlimited

Economic Uncertainty Via QE Unlimited with Paul Craig Roberts

Alex Jones welcomes to the broadcast via Skype Dr. Paul Craig Roberts to discuss the problems with QE3 and the possible crash and failure of the US economy.
Fascism is alive and well in the USABig Banks Are Still Committing Massive Crimes So what are we waiting for? Time to find a legal shark from our side to start laying charges against these criminals. We need to know our legislation and charter and hold these criminals to it!, But the real problem is they either own the courts, bribe them off, or are just above local governmental law being international corporations.
(which, I know is supposed to be the opposite) Our court system is as much of a joke as our electoral process. Your going to have to stop using them altogether and that means everyone here. That's the first step. The next step is to disallow them the ability to do business in the U.S. Run them out. Unfortunately, they encompass every aspect of our lives from the direct deposit that goes into your account from work to your car and mortgage loans to the grave with your retirement funds. But then, no one ever said that amputation was ever fun or painless.

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