Friday, September 27, 2013

ISON Warning! It's Not Nibiru.... but So What?

ISON Warning!!! Not Nibiru but Still Disastrous???

TIc Toc People... Always keep working on stockpiles and plans.

Sorry for the Rush Job... we feel that ISON is a monster comet and it comes from the same sector as all the Kreutz comets... We feel that Large Brown Dwarf is coming out of Aquarius if it is real. Solar wind, periodicity of quakes and flares support Aquarius theory.


  1. there are no prophets your vision, better perception, you perceive what others don't, simple! however time does not exist is only perceive as form, but it does exist as no beginning and no end. what anyone perceives is just a question of time, when it reaches perception. everything indeed does exist and the game is to render it in harmony with the rest of forms.

  2. Hey Alfredo...check out Seseme street ( the oldest versions), and then after 10 years or so try again at commenting! What planet are you from? Oh I know the one next to Mercury it's called...starts with M..ends with N..go figure....geez. The white coat boys are about to arrive pick you up and place you high in the realm of the US should all get along well!! Perhaps i am being to cruel? Na next time I intend to take an even greater swing at you...not that you'd notice????
