Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Ison , The Annunaki,Monatomic Gold and More.

Wikileaks [Exposure] NIBIRU New Evidence NASA 2013 New Leaked Big Tommy Parky UtubeTrollPolice Guys Sausage Hammer Leaked BackDoor Master Sir Tommy Parky Leaked Sausage Fingers New 2013

We little humans truly don't understand this universe. I for one don't care if it is a plane, comet, or star. I don't care if it kills everyone or we are all spared. I don't care if any of you are right. All I care about is I, unlike so many before me, get to see another facet of space that no one else has seen before. I get to see something new. If it kills me that's fine. If not even better. So why don't all of you just shut up. Like any of you have the "power" to anything about the

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