Sunday, September 8, 2013

If Russia Attacks the USA, Which Side Will You Be On?

Russian soldiers lined up at McDonald's Hamburgers!
Is this a Trojan Horse replay or was there some kind of agreement?
They are here by invitation, by our own evil and nefarious government!

Yesterday, someone said the computers at the military bases in Alaska were attacked
I think the moose up there just disconnected the cable while looking for a snack!
But if the Russians did attack, which side would you be on?
Would you back our Nazi-fascists or go with the Russians and be ruled by Putin?
Is Putin killing Russians, anywhere he likes or did Obama think of it first thinking it would stop Americans from opposing those with the military might?

What did the Russians say when the sign outside McDonald's says $1 for lunch
Then you go inside and everything on the menu costs a bunch!
Everything in America is another lie
So the race is a dead heap! Call it a tie!