Monday, September 23, 2013

Gun Control Fails ~ Hyper Report

There is nothing about the second amendment about hunting or personal self defense for that matter. The second amendment exists for one reason. In the event that our government gets out of control we should have the tools needed to put it back in its Constitutional box. $16+ trillion in debt, Benghazi cover-up, IRS targeting of Tea Party groups, Fast and Furious, DOJ secretly obtaining phone records of journalists, etc, etc. I think the time is close.


  1. wrong, the second amendment was made so that washington would have a quick and numerous army based on it´s citizens in the case of an european attack, it was made to reinforce and to serve the central government, to be a strong service in order to protect the thirteen colonies easier.
    And, don´t pretend that the people that generally defend guns would pick them up agains an opressive government, these people LOVE opressive governments. (like all republicans..)
