Friday, September 13, 2013

Fukushima: Top TEPCO Exec Admits Leaks ARE Out of Control update 9/13/13

TEPCO official: Leakage 'not under control'
TEPCO official says Fukushima plant situation "out of control" [...] A [Tepco] senior official [...] said Friday that situation in the stricken plant was "out of control," according to local media. The remark was made by Kazuhiko Yamashita, who holds the executive-level title of fellow, at a meeting with Japanese opposition lawmakers in the city of Koriyama in Fukushima prefecture, said Japan's Kyodo News. His words came less than a week after Prime Minister Shinzo Abe assured the world at a meeting of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) at Argentina that the situation in the damaged nuclear plant is "under control." [...]