Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Fukushima Radioactive leak is 18 times worse than what they told us

We are all toast - if you happen to live on the Pacific rim. For those further away, you have some time.
Fukushima radioactive leak is 18 times worse than what they told us:
Exposure at ground Zero is fatal in four hours.

In March 2011 the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant was struck by a devastating earthquake and tsunami. Three reactors went into meltdown and a maximum, level 7 nuclear disaster was declared, putting it on a par with Chernobyl. Since then the Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) has been managing the crisis but has been accused of making a series of mistakes and attempting to cover up just how bad the disaster really is.

Recent admissions about large and potentially disastrous leaks have shed light on how dire the situation really is at Fukushima. Truthloader decided to have a look at some of the alleged cock-ups and cover-ups Tepco have made along the way.

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