Saturday, September 14, 2013

Freedom From Central Banks ~ Bitcoin & Other Cryptocurrencies

We are entering a new age, the age of the cryptocurrencies and bitcoin has the lead by about as much market share as Microsoft had, at it's prime
Bitcoin represents freedom from slavery, freedom from inflation, freedom from central banks and freedom from local banks that tell you that YOU can't have YOUR money!
You're free to save without worrying about losing purchasing power, because the Federal Reserve printed $43 trillion more in US currency
The Nazis will try to regulate it to death, but I think this will make haste of their demise, rather than achieve their goal of totalitarian control over citizens who more and more, didn't vote for the laws that are being put on us all
We want to govern ourselves and breaking free from the central banks, is a necessary part of that move to freedom
This train is coming through town, like it or not and the best thing any citizen can do, is know as much as possible the cryptocurrencies, as early as possible and not get left behind
This will be the first, in a series of bitcoin videos, if the interest is there