Friday, September 13, 2013

Donald Trump: 'Embarrassing' How Putin Has Played Obama

'The Donald' believes the Russian leader addressed some hard truths about the president and American exceptionalism in 'tough, well-crafted' New York Times op-ed that made him look like a great leader

DONALD TRUMP: Well, he did say that, and that's what he said and that's what he's been saying for the last three weeks. It was the poison gas and it was the rebels that set it off. And they did that in order to get sympathy and get help because they're obviously failing.
And -- but he also talks about the rebels as not being good people, as being people that fought us and fought lots of other -- you know,that fought the good. He makes them sound very bad. A lot of people happen to agree with him on that.
And he talks about Syria in such a way that he really makes Syria sound very reasoned and very good. So it's pretty tough for the United States.
I will say this, very tough for the president to go out and get Congress to go along when you read a letter like this because I really think this letter had a very, very positive impact on Putin. And I think it's very negative for the president and certainly for the United States.