Sunday, September 22, 2013

Citizen Rights & America's Decline - Coast to Coast AM - September 22 2013

Coast to Coast AM - September 22 2013 - Citizen Rights & America's Decline

Coast to Coast AM Today Date: 09-21-13 Coast to Coast AM Host: John B. Wells
Coast to Coast AM This Week Guests: Skip Coryell, Larry Kelley Coast to Coast AM Topic: Citizen Rights & America's Decline

Release Date ( Sept 22 2013 ) Air Date ( September 21 2013 )
Joining John B. Wells in the first half, writer and founder of the Second Amendment March, Skip Coryell, discussed what happens when society's thin veneer of civility is stripped away after the people give up their rights. Next, Larry Kelley, who contends that America is in decline, shared details of his interview with resistance fighters inside Iran.

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