Thursday, September 26, 2013

Budget Battle: Clock Ticks Down Toward Shutdown

Debt Crisis: On the Brink of a Budget Breakdown

With time running out to avoid a partial gov't shutdown, the Senate continues work on its spending bill, while House Republicans say they won't pass it if it doesn't defund 'Obamacare.' Meanwhile, a debt ceiling deadline looms close behind. (Sept. 26)


  1. Oh before you shut it down make sue you send out the checks to Israel n Egypt the american sheep will understand

  2. 280 MILLION taxpayer dollars to Detroit ?!?...The "beige queen" didn't even go through Congress for that! ! ..This is just more American citizen wealth-redistribution ! NEGOTIATE with Iran ?????..THAT NEVER WORKED...even when the last moron, hermaphrodite, Jimmi Carter tried it after Iran held over 200 Americans hostage in 1979/80. Did we 'negotiate' with the Imperial Japanese Empire when their fundamentalist, TERRORISTS threatened America?..NO! Harry Truman flattened Hiroshima...when the Japanese Emperor still didn't "get it", Old Harry flattened Nagasaki: After that, peace reigned supreme ever since. Muslim factions have been fighting each other for over 5000 years (3000 years before Jesus walked the earth) and will continue to fight each other whenever they have no one else to co-opt and murder, no other women or children to slaughter. The "beige queen" is preparing for the "Caliphate" in America because he IS a Muslim and that is what Mohammud and Shar'ia Law dictates. SHUT THE GOVERNMENT's the ONLY message that the 'beige queen' will understand at the moment....SO, SHUT IT DOWN !
