Thursday, September 26, 2013

Bitcoin, Bitstamp, Bitinstant and the Dirty, Rotten Government!

Bitcoin, Bitstamp, Bitinstant and the Dirty, Rotten Government!

There is a battle going on, right now
The Nazis want to maintain control over the currency and the advent of cryptocurrencies, threatens their grip on this monopoly so they are attacking with everything they have
Their biggest gun is regulation
If they can tie up Dwolla, Bitinstant and Mtgox in court, they can kill the cryptocurrency for now, but the BRICS nations are setting up their own internet and in mid 2015, it will be kicking Nazi ass!
Will the Russians and the Chinese allow cryptocurrencies to exist?
If they do, it's the end for central banks
Who would want parasites living off the rest, if they can avoid the counterfeiting of money by the central banks?
178 nations belong to the IMF and all of them have a central bank
Who is behind this? A handful of parasites who have us all working for them and this era must end and end now! The cryptocurrencies are vital to this turnover of power and those who currently hold the power won't have it and so they are like junk yard dogs, defending their rackets
If we can cut the chains of regulation, designed to stop common people from buying and selling bitcoins, you can make money, off arbitrage and this will stabelize the market, substantially and that destroys all the opportunity for Goldman Sachs
This video is about the struggle to be free from the Nazi regime and the power that people could enjoy, if not for government regulations

1 comment:

  1. A catch twenty one.
    There are ways by which a currency could continue to exist as in fact is just a name, for instance the dollar, its current problem is on the Federal Reserve Bank, which at the same time is the government reason, on this context. The nation can bar the Federal Reserve, and most of large banks that are involve with the Federal Reserve, however you can keep the small private banks; and print the paper yourself, however the currency cannot longer remain as the global exchange currency, neither it can be the energy currency, “petrodollars”. The value them are the items this economy produces, better the product, tougher the wellbeing. Other nations will face the same predicament, more a battle of wiser inventiveness, than quantity consumption, as the quality of the products is what gives value to the currency. The dollar in relation to the product it exports as the rice, or any other product. The equilibrium in this case is the need of the item rather than its quantity. An expensive quality banana that balances the expensive I-phone, however a central neutral currency them it would be required, a new currency, “perhaps the BREN”.
