Monday, September 16, 2013

Barbara Starr Speculates: Does 'Second Gunman' Report Indicate Navy Yard Shooting Was Terrorism?

9/16/13 - CNN reporter Barbara Starr revealed in a report to Wolf Blitzer that unconfirmed reports which suggests there were two gunman who carried out an attack on the Washington Naval Yard may indicate a broader plot. She added, given the date's proximity to the September 11 anniversary, a second gunman would be "the most significant fact" of this shooting event.

"We are only a few days past the 9/11 attacks here in Washington D.C.," Starr observed.

"If there are two shooters, Wolf, if that problems to be correct, it is going to be the most significant fact," Starr reported.

"It is going to mean that two people conspired to carry out this attack, that they talked about it ahead of time, that they planned it ahead of time," she continued. "Even if it was just a short period ahead of time, that they had a plan to do this."

She added that security at a Navy installation like this is tight, but can be "gotten around." She added that an authorized person can infiltrate the base with a weapon that is not checked, but getting through several layers of security in the Washington Navy Yard is extremely difficult.

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