Sunday, September 29, 2013


This is a MUST HEAR interview with Dave Hodges, College Professor, Journalist and Truth Teller from We discuss the multiple possible false flag scenarios and near-term government exercises taking shape, including the Grid X exercise which will simulate the implosion of the US electrical grid. "The DHS and FEMA have at least 8 drills planned between now and November," Dave says.,"I don't think we're going to wait long to see some dramatic shifts in our country"

1 comment:

  1. Truth Teller,enjoys spreading truth about our reality......REALLY?
    This idiot writes about gov't storing guillotines for use on US citizens.When asked how he knew,he said someone saw them.Hey that's real journalism Turns out the gov't did buy 30,000 guillotine "paper cutters".
    Then in another article he proceeded to lie about Ceausescu, saying he seized hundreds of thousands of children who had “disabilities” and planned to use them for purposes of the state then proceeded to say that new health care would do the same thing.I spent several hours trying to find what he said about Ceausescu and I could not find anything about him seizing children.I even asked Hodges via his website about it and he told me to Google it.He is one who mixes enough truth with lies to sound credible.I certainly would not take anything this man says at face value.He is a fear mongering sensationalist who knows how to attract readers through the fear factor.
