Friday, September 20, 2013

An Economic Collapse Of Biblical Proportions Is Coming. By Gregory Mannarino

An Economic Collapse Of Biblical Proportions Is Coming. By Gregory Mannarino

The PetroDollar has hit the end of it's life span. The president is trying to keep it alive so he won't be blamed when it finally falls. He wants to be able to blame it on something else (Civil War, War In Syria or Iran, Attack by another country, or some other false flag). The NWO is coming. We all will have to choose to live under NWO, or become an outlaw hunted by the NWO. I couldn't stand to be a slave to the NWO so I guess I will be hunted!

By keeping interest rates artificially low, the general public is more tempted to take on more debt. This was one of the many problems that brought on the financial crisis of 2008. Lenders pushed minimum wage earners into 200k homes just to make a sale. The mortgages were sold to investment banks, bundled into CDOs, and sold to investors with investment grade ratings by Moody's and S&P. When the homeowners could not make the payments, it set off the chain of events that led to the collapse of the housing market. The next bubble could possibly have us seeing interest rates higher than those during the Carter administration. It will get ugly in a hurry. .

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