Saturday, September 21, 2013

Alan Watt on PNAC and Syria - the Agenda for the Middle East Was Published Before 9/11

Alan Watt on PNAC and Syria - the Agenda for the Middle East Was Published Before 9/11

This is a clip from Alan Watt's RBN broadcast from August 27, 2013:
mp3 -

Aug. 27, 2013
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Formulaic Magic's Aftermath is Tragic:
"Facts don't Matter When War's On the Table,
Bad Excuses are Used as Propaganda Fables,
Nations were Marked Long Ago for Destruction,
Infrastructures Destroyed, Chaotic Dysfunction,
All Democracies Lie but Tyrannies are Worse,
Defying All Logic, They Build Up the Curse,
Then Conjure the Evidence, Generally Planted,
To Sway Public Opinion to Accept War as Granted,
Hell is Manifested by Masters in Perception
Which They Distort, Repeating Lies of Deception,
When the World is Conquered, Known by a Few,
The Killing Machine is Turned On Me and You"

Topics discussed:
Transhumanism, Gender Bending - Middle East War Agenda - Orwell's 1984 - Project for the New American Century - Rebuilding America's Defenses - Invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq - Pre-Emptive Attack Strategy, Preventative War - Establishing "Democracy" - Richard Perle, Total War - Global Empire - SASSA Satellite Launch - Weather Modification, Use of Lasers - BBC News uses 'Iraq photo to illustrate Syrian massacre' - The New Freedom - British Agents Supervised Destruction of Guardian's Hard Drives - Fukushima Radiation and Thyroid Cancer - Fracking for Uranium - Drastic Population Reduction - Funeral Homes and Scams.

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