Friday, September 20, 2013

A Financial Recovery Will Be A Suicide Not A Solution – By Jason Liosatos

The word recover means ‘to become healthy again, to regain a former condition’. The financial recovery that the government and people seem to be hoping for is the worse possible outcome for us, because the last thing we need is to ‘recover’ back to the same, or similar thing, or system that is destroying us. It would be like a dying heroin addict wanting to recover back to what was killing them, and got them into that state of health to begin with. The very notion of us wanting to return to what has been killing us is insanity, and the fact that we are so accepting of and indoctrinated by our money system is a great pointer to how far we have strayed from reality in our financial casino existence, and prison of debt globally.

Impossible and unrealistic though it may seem, we urgently require a completely different system which is not based upon short term greed, gain, and fear. Our current system though it may seem to work is actually destroying us and the planet we live on, and alarmist though that may seem, it is in fact true. We have actually become addicted and imprisoned by the money system, which traps us early in life and never releases us, and even after our death we are expected to pay for expensive funeral bills.

The heroin addiction analogy is a good one, money is very similar to heroin, because for most people even when they get money they only get a temporary ‘fix’ of relief, because like a heroin addict they know it is going to run out and they will soon need more to survive, so it is a continuous cycle of fear and relief. Unless a person is in the higher echelons of the money world, they are generally trapped in that continual cycle of fear and debt, mixed with partial relief after each fix or payment that allows them to ‘stay in the game’, and on the hamster wheel of existence.

It is an almost unbelievable fact that most people are swinging between a strange psychological pendulum of fear to freedom, and pleasure to pain almost continually, as they grapple with the mixed emotions of elation, relief and the temporary sense of being saved when they acquire money, which literally stops them from becoming homeless, hungry, cold and helpless, but at the same time they have the underlying thought that their struggle will not end with that payment, but it will just continue the cycle of them scrambling to get some more as soon as its gone.

We have become used to our prison of debt and fear, and we are so incredibly stuck in that fear that we can hardly imagine another system beyond it or better than it, hence our hope and desire that this same deleterious, damaging  money system recovers back to what it was, or worse still stays as it is. We are so deeply frightened and trapped that we dare not think that we could break free from this system of money, partially because people would rather barely survive and struggle, and work all the time and play it safe, than try to design another system that could set them free. The already damaged and frightened public are purposely kept trapped by the big money manipulators who control the Global Casino, which is purposely built and designed for debt not freedom. Our whole money system is designed to entrap and enslave the whole population of the planet, and it is killing that population both psychologically and physically.

Fortunately this system of fear and debt is inevitably, and predictably collapsing, because any system which is built and based on fear and short term greed is destined to fail, because it is a terrible, unsustainable and dangerous scaffolding to build any society on. So let us remind ourselves again that the last thing we need is a recovery to that which is destroying us, and if we do retain and return to it, it will inevitably kill us. We are facing an emergency, and that emergency is the smelling salts alerting us to the grave danger we face if we do not change our system from its current trajectory fueled by short term profit, via decisions made without vision or wisdom. – Jason Liosatos.

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