Thursday, August 15, 2013

ROAD TO WW3 - Egypt + Middle East On Verge Of Descending Into Total Chaos, Just as Planned!

Troops use armoured bulldozers and tear gas to control Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood Supporters

Egyptian security forces interrupted a six-week-long stand-off with Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood on Wednesday, launching a crackdown on two sit-in camps in Cairo. The troops used armored bulldozers, tear gas and bird shot to level and burn down tent camps, where people demanding Morsi's reinstatement as president were staging an around-the-clock protest. READ MORE:


  1. LET IT BURN ! ! ! Shi'a & Sunnis have been fighting & killing each other for over 5000 years,..thousands of years before Jesus walked the Earth; it will not end for thousands more years. AMERICA SHOULD NOT BE INVOLVED IN THIS NONSENSICAL SLAUGHTER ! (Regardless of what the "beige queen" in Washington believes)...We have already wasted too much of America's "blood & treasure" (our youth) bouncing from one muslim country to another over the last 10+ years. WAKE UP AMERICA....OUR "POLITICAL ELITE" HAVE US "CIRCLING THE DRAIN" WHILE REDISTRIBUTING AMERICA'S WEALTH TO SELF-PROCLAIMED "VICTIMS" COVERING THE ENTIRE 'FACE OF THE EARTH"! ! !

  2. While I agree that we should not be involved in the middle east and that everything happening today is being orchestrated by the powers that be,your history facts need some help. Islam dates back to about 600AD, not 5000 years ago. Islam is demonic so we shouldn't be surprised that it is founded and centered and hate, domination, and subjugation. The hate all non-muslums and when there are none of those around they hate and kill each other on sectarian lines.

  3. You are correct Sir. There has been no peace in the Middle East For over 3,000 years, and there is reason to think that any peace will be achieved there even in our Great Grand Children's lifetimes. We Do Need to JUST GET OUT OF THE MIDDLE EAST, AND LET THEM DUKE IT OUT!!! All we want is their oil anyway, so if we remain neutral in that region, then they will have no reason to hate us in the west. Our country (USA) Blamed Al Queda for Bombing our World Trade Center Buildings, and here we are now Wanting to send our support to those very same people, and help them fight the Assad Regime!!!! I AM SICKENED BY ANYONE IN WASHINGTON WHO IS IN FAVOR OF THAT IDEA!!!! Any Politician Who is For This SHOULD TRIED FOR HIGH TREASON, AND SUMMARILY TAKEN INTO THE STREET, AND SHOT TO DEATH, OR BETTER YET; TURN THEM OVER TO THE SURVIVING FAMILY MEMBERS WHO LOST THEIR LOVED ONES IN THE 911 ATTACKS ( ESPECIALLY BECAUSE THOSE ATTACKS WERE DEFINITELY AND IRREFUTABLY AN INSIDE JOB)!!!!!!
